I Found Out I Was Having 2 Surgeries In the Span of 2 Days
I just didn’t have the energy to care
I found out I was having 2 surgeries in the span of 2 days.
One just happened, and the other is happening soon (but don’t worry: Life is still life’ing along, and I am still the same me).
Finding out about both though- within the span of 48 hours- when I didn’t expect either to happen, was utterly gutting.
The wind was knocked out of me for days, but since I was having the wind knocked out of me for other reasons nearly every single time I looked at my phone… I just didn’t have the energy to care.
It’s sometimes really that simple.
Sometimes even personal things aren’t personal (to me)… They’re just a means to an end.
I am living with something that is never going to magically go away (as far as I know). The only way to live with it… is to live with it. (“Slow down, Confucius. Too wise, too wise.”)
This surgery was something I had absolutely no doubts about, despite the fact I was surprised at how quickly it came about.
I had to 12 appointments done in 2 weeks, while dealing with things that felt more important to me, always (family)… Including seeing an ENT, my heart specialist, my CF clinic, a GI specialist, a much needed check in with my liver doctor, my PCP (always funny how I have to see my primary wizard in person for surgery sign offs, even though I also have to see all these other friends), the surgeon himself for the final-final pre-op, and then a formal pre-op at the hospital itself. This did not include a few other appointments for what’s to come… But that’s all in due time.
Considering how much of a pill my damn liver is being right now... I honestly thought my liver was going to keep dragging me down, if this was some kind of race.
Given what my labs have been like, I know I need some type of Bile Godmother to bless me with glitter and signing squirrels but… I was terrified about what was going on behind-the-scenes, leading up to this week’s surgery on my cervical spine.
But wait… Didn’t the surgery get paused?
For white blood cells that were way too high.
However, I had already taken the time (and pain- eek) to write about how this experience felt when finding out about both, prepping rapidly, and assuming it would happen… That I didn’t want to completely re-write history just because it didn’t go through.
This still felt how it felt, and I had no way of knowing it wouldn’t work.
This surgery, in no uncertain terms, needed to happen… because I was slowly losing feeling in my shoulders, then my arms, and lately: my hands.
Now, even though I’ve lost movement in my left leg three times before (now, four!), I’m sure you can imagine that- as a Deaf person- being able to text is critical when I can’t call, being able to sign is critical because its my culture, being able to use my hands is my primary means of communication. The world sees a “talking Deaf person” and don’t realize that to lose sign language (let alone the other typing ways in which I find safety and connection in an audit world), would not have a word to match the level of devastation.
So… this has to happen.
But what happened?
One disc at a time…. See you tomorrow (and send Bile Godmothers my way?)
THANK YOU my Word Nerd friends and to all those helping this independent memoirist continue to work by upgrading to paid (which also helps my goal of gifting my every-weekday-writing for anyone who asks for a reading scholarship, no questions asked)….
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Love 🤟
Sending prayers and love as always! I put call into the bile gods, pulled in a few favors, we'll see what happens. Love you! 🥰