One of my biggest pet peeves is when “influencers” say a product that they are using is their absolute favorite and go on and on about it, share their discount code and then in a weeks time, they have a new “favorite” of the same type of of product.

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The Bible says once we accept the love of Jesus, and proclaim Him our Lord and Savior, nothing we do can separate us from His love and grace. That's what being saved is all about, my precious love. Just like that thought, no matter what you do, no matter how life twists and turns, you will always ALWAYS be beautiful, nothing can change that. As a precious gem shines in the warmth and brilliance of the sun's magnificent glory, you, dear Bailey, will shine all the brighter! Growing old is not a chore, it's a privilege. Along with that come changes, rights of passage if you will. But you, sweet friend, will always shine like the sun both in my eyes and my mind. I can't find enough words to describe your unmatched beauty, but hopefully, prayfully, you understand.

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Still gorgeous no matter what!! HUGS and love you! 💕

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